Monday, February 11, 2013

First Trimester Fashion!

Some of you pregnant ladies might mistake the few month of pregnancy for the first year of college. Your midsection is bloated like you had too much pizza and beer. You’re nauseous like you had to many beers and not enough pizza. You’re tired like you stayed up all night...all day long. This overwhelming sense of yuck-ness makes you long for your college wardrobe: sweatshirts, pajamas and tennis shoes. 

Going ultra-casual at home that is acceptable, but in public I tried to resist the tug of my drawstrings. One of my dear friends Amanda gave me the guide every mom-to-be should have: Bump It Up. Career fashionista Amy Tara Koch gives you her tips and tricks to making anyone's pregnancy the most fashionable nine months possible. 

While I won't attempt to top her fashion genius, I would like to share the things I found most useful as I wrap up my first trimester.

  • Camouflage clothing: Think of flowy shirts, empire wasted tops and no clingy fabrics. This helped me conceal what the progesterone was doing to my midsection
  • Accessories: Bling is your new BFF! A long necklace, bangles and other accessories will draw attention away from your bloat (soon-to-be bump).
  • Big purses: Think of it as the runway art of distraction... People think they see a bump, but your big, beautiful bag steals their glance!
  • Assets: During the first few months, you will want to enjoy new found curves and let them steal the attention.
  • Makeup and hair: These are your last few months of un-interrupted primping; savor them! Besides, what better time to master the faux glow, cat-eye eyeliner or ballet bun you have been pinning?
  • Layer! When in doubt, add a layer. I remember mornings when I would second guess a top or sweater, so I grabbed a big scarf or added a fun jacket. Later, I was always thankful. Besides, you can always ditch it later!
  • Save your tight tops for a few months. Once you have a defined bump, these will be cute. Until, then you may just look like you have over indulged.

Below are a few weekly bump pictures, which showcase some these tips and tricks. 

Happy Monday, fashionistas! 

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