Friday, April 26, 2013

Good Gifting

A few gift ideas from a former nomad

For those of you who have known Travis and me for a while, you all know we are very good at moving. I did the math, and since we have known each other.. Together we have moved 13 times during the course of our relationship! Since it will be 10 years in May, I think it's safe to say we know a thing or two on the topic.

Living in different cities throughout the country has given us many blessings and a different perspective of life outside of the Midwest. Mostly, it has given us amazing friends and memories spanning the U.S. It has also confirmed that Cincinnati is the place we want to call home. (Although anyone who has been to Denver says we are nuts!) 

Here are two lessons I learned, that have led to great gifts for friend’s of mine who are moving.

Lesson 1: There are some things you can’t take with you, like the flavors of a city and your friends. I wish there was a way to bottle up the amazing pizza from Boston's North End along with my girlfriends Sara, Marybeth and Erin, but it wouldn't be the same. And let's be honest, there is nothing like Denver's green chili or the yummy pineapple upside down pancakes from Snooze. Even if I made it at home, it wouldn’t be the same without my Mile High crew. So if you have a friend leaving your fair city, give them two things that will leave a good taste in there mouth and memories to take on their journey. For our friend Amy we did a Taste of Cincinnati Basket, complete with all the flavors you can’t get outside the Queen City. Second, we included a picture frame so she could display her favorite Cincinnati memory in her new Nashville home.

Lesson 2:  After moving over a dozen times, you become an expert in how to properly label, pack and prep for an upcoming move. But moving can be a battle, and as Moltke the Elder said, “No battle plan, survives contact with the enemy.” Your enemy here is memory. No matter who many times I have moved, it’s always the first night in the new place I am strapped to find contact solution, a toothbrush, scissors and sometimes a bottle opener. For my friends the Mullins, who moved across town, I created an untraditional house warming gift complete with these helpful items for their first night in their new home.

  1. Contact Solution
  2. Soap
  3. Paper plates, silverware and napkins
  4. Corkscrew & scissors
  5. Bottle of your choice
  6. Toilet paper (I wrapped two rolls in pretty paper)
  7. Toothbrushes
  8. Cleaning wipes
  9. Makeup wipes
  10. Mini first aid kid (hello paper cuts!)
  11. Kitchen soap
  12. Put it all in a cute basket they can use in their new home!

For those of you who are saying goodbye to a friend who is moving away or helping a friend move across town, I hope these ideas are helpful. Last, if your friend is moving please know there is no better gift to give someone moving than a helping hand.

Safe travels!

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