Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's a......

Yesterday I woke up and consulted Pinterest for outfit inspiration — a tradition when I can’t decide what to wear.  Little did I know that my choice would match the inside of the cupcakes at our gender reveal party held later in the day by my friend Ashley Pasons, author of the sweet blog A & O on the Go. Throughout the day friends and colleagues took bets on what they thought I was having. At five o’clock I was pacing in front of the ultrasound office, impatiently waiting for my husband finishing my orange juice hoping that would make our baby move around. 

Finally 5:20 was here, the moment we had been waiting for since December 4th... is it a he or she? However, our baby had a personality trait neither Travis nor I posses: shyness! This little one was lying down and hiding everything! After two trips to the ladies room and some serious poking and prodding, the tech who said “I think it’s a girl, but I want to be 100%” sent me into the waiting room with a full bottle of water. Finally it was time for round two! After three trips to the ladies room, and five tries with the 2D and 3D ultra sound, we had solid proof…..IT’S A BOY!

I immediately called my friend Ashley, who had been on standby with food coloring. 
My first words where, "I hope you didn't tint that icing pink... because IT'S A BOY!". In Martha Stewart record time, she piped nine cupcakes and got rid of all the evidence. 
A few of our friends showed up to find out what Baby Kight would be. After enjoying some snacks and wine, they had to “pin” their guesses, the majority of which were spot on!

We went through a few old wives tales that had us at almost a dead heat for if the inside of that adorable cupcake was going to be pink or blue. Knowing Ashley’s mad baking skills I couldn’t wait to take a huge bite and share our news.

The party was the icing on the cake so far, but my sweet friends had another surprise: a beautiful Kate Spade bracelet adorned with a perfect blue bow — the first “something blue” gift I’ve received.

We feel so blessed that God has given us this miracle, a supportive family and amazing friends who continue to exceed our every expectation. We also know our little buddy, as Travis called him this morning as he kissed me goodbye, will have a ton of playmates to grow up with!

Thanks again to Ashley and all our sweet friends who helped us celebrate our growing family!
Rocking my new bracelet & blue maternity top,
 from my sweet mother-in-law Melody!
Love you all!

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